Wednesday 1 January 2014

Money, money, money :

Money, money, money :

In this day and age money is so over rated, everyone wants it, hardly anyone has it and those who do don't appreciate it. Everyone says money wouldn't change them. Bullcrap! Money changes everyone and everything. In my life, being related to people from both ends if the scale I find that those with less money are quite often the most generous! Rich people are rich because they are tight. I can't believe that in this world there are still so many people who would rather be rich than happy.

Happiness is what makes a person special, happiness is what we all crave, rich or not. The people who have happiness are those who we should all want to be friends with and not those with money.

So much of this world evolves around money and there is no slowing of it. I dread to think the sort of world that my future grandchildren will have to live in.

One of violence and intimidation. One of crime. One where segregation is enevitable.

What ever happened to all for on end one for all?!

That's a motto this land should live by. Not each to his own!

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Forever Knowing :

Forever Knowing :

For many, life is a journey of unexpected adventures some good, some bad, but all, unexpected. No one can plan every aspect of life. No one can guess what will happen to them or others. Well, not that is part from a select few. Many will never believe. Many do believe and some, some just want to understand. To understand why it's them, why they are different. How it happens. What does it mean. Everyone has see or heard about physics and fortune tellers. Most see it as pure entertainment. Myself? I see it as a way of life. If you don't know, then you never will. If you do know, you can't explain.

Imagine knowing something, something about yourself or someone else. Something that would drastically change a life. For the worse. No matter how much you know, nothing you do can stop or change it happening. What would you do? Would you try to tell that person and risk them thinking you weird and unusual? Or would you try to ignore what you know and just hope it doesn't stick round to haunt your everyday there after? This is a situation a rare few people face everyday. They have to choose. They have to risk loosing everything. Everyday.

Not many people will try to understand such a person. Simply branding the as a 'freak' or a liar. Leaving that person to try and make sense of their unwillingly gifted power. Alone.

All it would take is for their entrusted friend to be a small bit open minded, all they'd need to do is listen. Listen and try to understand. Above all, just be there and let that person know they're not alone. Never alone.

Looking on :

Looking On :

When looking on through the rain drops falling, the sky so grey and dull, all manner of thoughts enter my mind. Like why, why does the world have, rain. I mean, I know its for plants and the ground etc, but why. Why is it that water has to fall from the skies above. Why does the rain have to fall in tiny droplets. What is the meaning of falling. No one likes the rain. No one likes the feeling of every part of their being soaked with cold, chilling water. Why does it fall from the sky and not spring from the grounds? No one can answer these questions without some form of doubt but after all that's one of the main focuses in this world.

Doubt. Doubting others. Doubting yourself. Like a ticking time bomb, doubt can force many into self hatred.  Not knowing who to trust or who to believe. Not knowing the next step in life. Wondering if the person right in front of you is nothing the person you hoped they were. Increasing numbers of people are finding out on a daily basis that the person they thought they could trust all along is in fact the person they should have been most cautious around. For when someone pours out their soul to you, their life is in your hands. The way you handle that new found information and power over a person can determine how they themselves will spend the rest of their lives. Some abuse the power of knowing. Some share to the world the secrets they have been trusted with. This leaving the owner of those secrets in total despair and not knowing what will happen next. The humiliation, the torment and the loss of trust can become too much for some people to bare. Too much for them to cope with. Too much for them to live with. The only option they see..ending it, but how.

On the other hand there is those very rare few who will take hold of that persons soul and secrets, lock them away in their hearts, together becoming two. Like you are me and I am you. Forever showing their a person not to be lost. A person who will remain a part of you. Whether or not in years to come you take seperate paths and reside too far apart, you shall always remain as one. If you're a person who has found this rarity, grab on with all your might. Never let go. Forever. Remain as one.

Monday 30 December 2013

The Beginning :

The Beginning :

The beginning of a new Blog is always a tender moment. Do you go all out and spill your soul onto the blank white canvas in front of you or do play it safe and follow the many same old same old story lines?

For me, this will be my canvas, to these pages I will pour my soul, my inner thoughts, my deepest feelings. All being laid bare before my readers, to be condemned by the masses, ridiculed and scrutinised. Through all I shall hang on to the hope that somewhere out there someone, if only one person, will connect with my story and feel as though they no longer are alone in their thoughts and will always have another person to relate to. No one should feel alone. Not in a world where so many belong.

Quite often I find myself looking through the window of life only to see others walking past, getting on with their lives, not turning to give a second thought about the person 2 feet away from them. In such a busy world, in such a busy city, you'd never expect to see so many singletons seamlessly wondering about the day as if they were programmed to do so. No feeling, no thoughts. Just helpless robots roaming the earth. For it is not until you stop and consider their lives that you truly understand the reasons of their being.

Each person has their own lives, stories, triumph and pitfalls and here's mine.